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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.


As finals week rapidly approaches, I know that I can’t be the only one who’s feeling a bit overwhelmed. Between exams, papers, projects, and more exams, we have no choice but to stay focused, right? Here are a few tips that I’ve come up with to help get through the rest of the semester STRESS FREE!


1. Exercise Daily

Exercise helps to boost endorphins and reduce stress and research shows that 20 minutes each day is all that is needed to experience benefits. Hit the IBC or TUF on a random day of the week and go on the elliptical machine or the treadmill for 20- 30 minutes while you listen to your favorite songs! For those of you who don’t enjoy working out alone, go to a group fitness class. For those that claim they don’t have time, the IBC is open until 12am on Thursdays! NO EXCUSES!

2. Eat Mood-Boosting Foods

I’m aware of the all-nighters at the Tech Center and Paley that many of us take part in several times a week. Obviously we’re going to work up an appetite at one point or another. Many of us crave indulgent carbohydrates like cookies, candy, ice cream, pretzels, and other sweet and starchy foods when we’re stressed, anxious, or tense. Contrary to popular belief, these foods can have a soothing effect in some women, and it may have something to do with low serotonin (a brain chemical responsible for feelings of calmness and relaxation) levels during these different moods. It’s thought that consuming these carbohydrates in many cases, can result in contentedness and relaxation. So, enjoy these treats if they provide some instant satisfaction, but do watch your portion sizes. Do not OVER indulge!

3. Have a Hot Bath

It is a known fact that heat relaxes muscles, and taking a long bath can be soothing for the mind as well. Stock up on your favorite bath salts and soaps, get a bath pillow, and have some “me time”. To take it a step further, incorporate spa treatments like facials, manicures and pedicures—the WORKS! Don’t forget about the bubbles!

4. Listen to Music

Listening to soothing music can be very relaxing. Slow tempos in particular can induce a calm state of mind, slow down your breathing, heart rate, and relax tense muscles. This can be particularly helpful after a long day of classes, or even walking and campus during a hectic day! Interestingly, music therapy has been shown to be helpful in decreasing anxiety associated with medical procedures.

5. Make your calendar your new best friend!

I know we all have a lot going on nowadays, BUT that’s all the more reason to get an agenda book, or 2. When you have an assignment due in a week, WRITE IT DOWN. When you have an extracurricular activity to attend, WRITE IT DOWN. When you have community service over the weekend, WRITE IT DOWN. When you mentally plan out your day, you don’t feel as compelled to stick with it; when you have everything written down on paper, it feels more set in stone, and you feel more obligated to complete those tasks! I know some of you like to try and remember everything rather than write it down and that’s GREAT, but trust me, it makes everything so much easier because it puts your whole week in perspective, which causes less stress!

The semester is almost over ladies.. The light at the end of the tunnel (winter break J ) is getting brighter by the minute! Keep working hard, but don’t forget to take care of your mental and physical health!

Jaimee Swift is a Senior majoring in Communications. One of her many dreams is to become a broadcast journalist and to meet and work with the infamous Anderson Cooper. Her hobbies include reading everything in sight, running, dancing crazily, laughing uber hard, watching movies, and consuming as much juice as possible. Jaimee is so overjoyed to be a part of such a magnificent site such as Her Campus Temple University. Ever since the days of her youth, she has strives to make a difference and bring positive change to all that she touches. She still holds on to that mindset and hopes to bring positivity and creativity to Her Campus Temple University!