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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Dropping a class. This was one of the things people would always tell me about when explaining the major differences between high school and college. At the time, I thought this option would be one of the easiest decisions I would have to make as a college student. As it turns out, deciding to actually do so takes a bit more time and consideration. The time finally came and I recently had to drop my very first class. After experiencing what felt like all the emotions, I pulled the trigger and made my decision to drop. Here are two pros and two cons to think about if you find yourself (and you most likely will) in a similar situation.

Pro #1 It’s not the right fit.

Sometimes things don’t work out. From the beginning of the class, I had a small feeling that the class was not the best fit for me. However, I stayed enrolled until leaving for spring break. During this hiatus, I had time to reflect on how I was doing in the semester and realized I was spending the majority of my time on this class. It was not a major class or a specific core class I absolutely needed to be taking, and I did not need this stressor on top of my more pressing classes. Thinking about my options, I realized dropping entirely would be the most beneficial option. It’s hard to quit something (especially for those of us who fear failure) but, keep in mind that at the end of the day, you are pursuing higher education for yourself and it’s important to be able to recognize when a situation is doing more harm than good.

Con #1 Credits!

I was lucky and had the option to drop this class without any major consequences. However, you may be in a class you cannot drop due to a major or credit you need. Always talk to your advisor before making the decision to drop so you can be sure and understand how this action may or may not affect your future plans.

Pro #2 Your time is important.

Like I said before, this class was a wrong fit for me and consequently, took away my valuable time. You’ll get tired of hearing it, but you need to learn to manage your time sooner or later. As I have quickly learned, you can get behind extremely fast in college and it is not fun to play catch-up. After dropping this class, I have been able to focus more on my other classes and balance my workload more efficiently. 

Con #2 Your time is important.

If you drop a class you may be faced with having to take the class (or equivalent credit requirement) again during another semester, during the summer, intersessions, or you might need to find a way to power through. It’s up to you to decide if staying in the class or dropping it will be a better decision. But, your well-being is important so make sure to use the resources available to you and make the best decision for YOU.

Dropping a class can be an easy task for some and a grueling decision for others. I hope these pros and cons can help you through the thought process if you are currently struggling with this decision.

Some dates to keep in mind for this semester:

Last day to select pass/no credit: April 6th    

Last day to drop: April 21st

Sophia is a second-year student at Texas Christian University studying Speech-Language Pathology. She is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi where she serves as the Wellness Specialist. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching Netflix, listening to music, going on coffee runs, and spending time with her friends and family.