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The Pillow Method: My Favorite Manifestation Method

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

After my last article was published, “Contemporary Witchcraft: How to Make Your Life A Bit More Magical,” many of my friends and family members reached out to me to further explain the sleeping attraction method I mentioned. In more technical terms, this manifestation method is called the “Pillow Method.”

Like many other things, I discovered the Pillow Method on TikTok. I don’t know who created this method or which TikToker’s account I first saw this method on, but I’m here to consolidate all the information I have gathered into one post. Just remember one thing: your manifestations will not work unless you believe they do. If you plan on trying the Pillow Method, you must put your trust and patience into this manifestation in order to see results.

1. Write down what you want three times on A piece of paper

The Pillow Method is most often used for attracting love or a specific person into your life, but I have used it for almost anything; for example, I have manifested good grades or a present that I wanted for my birthday. If you are desperate for whatever it is you are manifesting, then to amplify the Pillow Method you can write down whatever it is you are manifesting 100 times.

If you are trying to manifest love or attraction from a specific person, write down “love” or their full name in red ink. Red is a color associated with love in magic, so using red ink can help to amplify the Pillow Method with attracting attraction into your life. Optionally, you can also press a quick kiss into the paper and/or spray your favorite scent on the paper to further manifest what you want into your life.

2. Fold the paper toward yourself

With all manifestation methods, the direction of your manifestation energy is important. By folding the paper towards yourself, you are ensuring that the Pillow Method’s energy is being directed toward you and no one else. Should you fold the paper away from yourself, there is a chance that your manifestation could go to someone else instead of you.

3. Put the paper under your pillow and wait

While the paper holds your manifestation, putting it under your pillow helps to give the Pillow Method more energy. Your pillow holds much of the residual energy from your dreams every night and will also pass the energy from your dreams into your manifestation. Like all manifestations, the Pillow Method takes patience, so don’t expect immediate results. Your paper could be under your pillow for days, maybe even weeks, before you see results; but don’t be discouraged, the universe needs time to work and make your manifestation a reality.

Once your manifestation has come true, take the paper from underneath your pillow, rip it up, and throw it away. Doing this releases your manifestation back into the universe for someone else to use or for you to use again in the future. I have done the Pillow Method many times, and I have seen results almost every time I have used it; I say almost every time because manifestations sometimes don’t work, and that is okay. Manifestations are about giving and taking, and sometimes the universe can’t give you what you want by taking what you have already given it. So, if the Pillow Method doesn’t work for you the first time then try it again. This article will always be here if you need it, so use it as a guide to begin your manifestation journey.

Theatre BA, TCU 2026, Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Capricorn Rising