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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Much to our dismay, it is that glorious and horrific time of year again: finals season.

Thanks to late nights at the Lib, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition, you’re likely to find yourself sick or under the weather! Well, have no fear- (aspiring) Nurse Kara is here! Here are just a few quick tips on how you can keep yourself healthy as we finish out this school year at the best school on Earth!


1. Stop Eating Vitamin C Like Candy

Yes, it’s true that Vitamin C boosts your immune system. But, it’s important to know that too much Vitamin C can cause negative side effects, such as Vitamin C toxicity. If you regularly take Vitamin C supplements, nausea and vomiting could occur. To avoid these side effects, try drinking one glass of orange juice or a eating a handful of strawberries to get your daily amount of Vitamin C.


2. Go Back to Preschool and Schedule Your Naps

Remember the good ole’ days of preschool when your teacher would pull out the colorful nap mats? Well, it’s time that naps make a comeback. Set aside a chunk of time in your day when you can curl up in your oh-so-comfy bed and rest your mind and body. Even if you don’t actually sleep, relaxing your body and clearing your mind can do wonders for your health. You will feel one hundred times better when you give your body some down time. 


 3. Buy Some Chicken Noodle Soup

Chicken noodle soup really is the best food when you’re feeling sick. It is hydrating and has a variety of nutrients and just enough protein to power your immune cells to fight off illnesses. Not to mention, it’s warm and comforting for your throat and tummy.


 4. Give Yourself a Break

I know how frustrating it can be when your body doesn’t allow you to get everything done. The best thing you can do to combat this frustration is simple: give yourself a break. Realize that your body is working double time on a deeper, cellular level to get your body back to its healthy state and allow yourself to relax.


5. Appreciate Your Friends

If your friends are anything like mine, they are always offering to run and get me soup, medicine, tissues, and anything else needed when I’m feeling under the weather. Instead of politely declining, take them up on their offers! Accept their help and get yourself back to a healthy state! Plus, you can easily repay the favor by offering your assistance to them the next time your BFFs are sick!


With finals coming up, it is especially important to keep yourself healthy! In addition to my recommended tips, make sure you continue to wash your hands, eat well, and get some rest. Feel better Frogs! 

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Rocky Mountain raised, living in Texas pursuing a career in professional Nursing! I am utterly obsessed with dogs, pizza rolls, my sorority sisters, my family, and napping! Go Frogs!