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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

The best way to describe the first semester of my first year of college is as a rollercoaster. There were highs and lows. There was a rush of adrenaline and a wave of calmness. Finally, to make it an even more accurate description, I’ve never been on a rollercoaster, so it also describes the new adventures I’ve experienced in the past five months.

In the past five months, I like to think that I’ve lived three different lives. Let me explain.

August of 2024 felt like a blur. I hardly remember anything from that month because of how new everything was. Frog Camp, move-in, Frogs First, and the first week of classes. I tend to forget about the first few times I experience new things and this was no exception. The only memories I have of August are found in pictures, social media, and my journal.

September and October feel odd, in a way, as I look back. Although they’re not as foggy as the previous month, there seems to be a discrepancy between my past and current self. I was still new to a few things on campus and was getting the hang of my routines.

November and December feel closest to my current self, though not exactly. By those months, I had perfected my morning routine and created shortcuts to get to and from my classes. I also noticed how much I grew because I began taking steps outside of my comfort zone more than usual. An example is when I volunteered to present first for one of my finals. High school me would’ve never even thought of doing it. Maybe it’s because I was presenting my scrapbook, which is a topic I am very passionate about (if you couldn’t tell by my past work “A Love Letter To Scrapbooking,”), but even then, my high school self would’ve waited until after a few people volunteered.

Another way I stepped out of my comfort zone was by striking up conversations with people near me to stop awkwardly silent moments. Some of those people I became close to, so close it feels like I’ve known them for ages. There are times when I even wonder to myself, how has it only been five months since I’ve met them?

Last semester, I also got the chance to go out with my friends without having to ask for permission, which felt like freedom after coming from a household where my going-out options were limited. Though I am more of a homebody when it comes to weekends, I still enjoyed having the freedom to decide what I wanted to do, instead of complying with my parents’ orders.

A few other “firsts” I experienced included taking a train, going to a comedy show, staying up until 4:00 a.m. watching movies and talking, and dressing up for Halloween to go out. I also went to my second and third concerts ever, made a “smash cake” with my friends, and went to the iconic Sundance Square for the first time, despite having lived in the city for eight years.

One of the ways that I’ve been tracking my first year of college is through my “Freshman Year Bucket List.” In my first semester alone, I completed eight out of nineteen items, including:

  • Going to a football game
  • Going to a concert
  • Dressing up for Halloween
  • Taking a trip with friends
  • Going to a party
  • Baking something
  • Making new friends
  • Making a cute patchwork t-shirt

Though most of the experiences that I’ve had are not items on my bucket list (because I never imagined I would be living them), it still helps me measure how successful my first year will be. So far, I can say that I’ve had an amazing year, full of new adventures and long-lasting memories. Core memories. I truly cannot fully express my love for my first semester. It will always hold a special place in my heart.

My August self, who was very skeptical about coming to TCU (because I basically forced myself to go here), would not believe me if I told her I loved my first semester. Seeing how incredible the past few months have been at TCU has made me realize that it wouldn’t be terrible if I stayed for another year… or three more years.

Cindy Perez Munoz is a First Year Strategic Communications Major at Texas Christian University. She is the Social Media Manager for Her Campus at TCU. Beyond Her Campus, Cindy is a Community Assistant soon to be Community Manager through Housing and Residence Life at TCU. In her free time, she enjoys reading romance books, listening to music (including some of her favorites: Taylor Swift, TWICE, and Gracie Abrams), and filling up the pages of her scrapbook with memories!