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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

After interviewing with students around campus, Her Campus asked their feelings on the election. With many people upset because of the outcome, their concern for the future of politics was evident. Here is why the 2016 presidential election seemed like nothing more than reality TV:

1. It was very unpredictable.

2. They were genuinely fighting with each other and were very immature. In reality shows, they make everything seem like the biggest deal, and in this election it was the same way.

3. It wasn’t based on politics.

4. Donald Trump isn’t a political figure.

5. They fought about Twitter.

6. The candidates are downright crazy.

7. There were a lot of “low blows” throughout the campaign.

8. The media presented it as very dramatic, and the only reason you watched was because you were feeding into the drama.

9. It was suspenseful and entertaining.

10. Exaggerated make up- Donald Trump looks like me and I’m a girl.

11. The things Trump said and did, especially what he said about women, were for popularity instead of actual politics.

12. There was a lot more added drama than there should’ve been.

13. It had funny ending.

14. Simply because Trump was involved. It was more closely related to celebrities than politicians.

Her Campus TCU Staff!
Hayden is a sophomore business major at Texas Christian University. She is a currently the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus TCU.