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books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash

Finals Week As Told by Elle Woods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Finals week is here! Let Elle Woods and the cast of Legally Blonde give you a run-down of how the week will look. 


You’re feeling so overwhelmed, but then you realize it’s just a test! Don’t stress out too much- you’ve got this!


You finally sit down to study and look at the clock. How did three hours already go by?!


As studying goes on, you start to feel confident as you review those flashcards. 

Then you get too excited about summer to think about studying…


But, you won’t let those tests get you down! 


So, you finally crack open that backpack.


How hard could the exam really be?


It’s finally the night before your final. Time to plan your test taking outfit!


Test day! You cram one last time and walk into your classroom feeling super confident…


…but then you read the first page of the test, realize you know nothing, and start to freak out. 


You keep going through the test and see information that was nowhere on the professor’s study guide. 


You finally finish the final. The test was rough, but it’s okay because you still have great friends!


Time passes and your professor finally uploads grades! You check eCollege… Guess who got an A? You did!! 


Time to celebrate! 


Trust Elle Woods on this one: you can ace those finals! Good luck Horned Frogs!  


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