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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

Coachella, Stagecoach, OutsideLands, Country Thunder, Lollapalooza, SunFest and hundreds of other music festivals await our arrival. While the music expertise is left to the performers, these upcoming events require a lot of effort for attendees as well. For instance, how long do you think it takes a girl to plan one festival outfit? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Honestly, I’ve taken a year to find the perfect outfit for an occasion like as this.

Your music festival outfit is so much more than the fashion trends you wear- it’s the vibe and the aura you exude. Fringe, flower halos, and flash tattoos are reflective of the fun and spunky characters seen at these events. Since music festival season is upon us, make sure you’re prepared by taking a look at fashion trends that are likely to appear at this year’s festivals. 


1. Flower Headbands 


2. Braids



3. Middle Parts


4. Top Knots and Half Buns   


5. Hippie Sunglasses


6. Crop Tops 


7. Fun Pants 


8. Fringe 


Start shopping for your fashion accessories now to be the best dressed at your music festival of choice!


Photo sources:

1. Tara McQueen

2. Cornell Banta

3. Jamie Samel

4. Jamie Samel

5. Tara McQueen

6. Abbie Tardiff

7. Jamie Samel

8. Jamie Samel 

My name is Tara McQueen. I am a junior at TCU. I enjoy long walks on the beach during the sunset. Watching the sunset from the top of TCU's stadium comes in second, close to California beach sunsets. I love writing and reading gossip columns. One day I hope to write for a nationally recognized fashion magazine. Until then, I plan on blogging and writing as much as I can in my free time.