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4 Lip Products You Will Find in My Bag This Winter

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.

The Her Campus National Editors write about products we love and think you’ll love too. Her Campus has affiliate partnerships, so we get a share of the revenue from your purchase. All products are in stock and all prices are accurate as of publication.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCU chapter.

We all know the feeling — the seasons change, and suddenly, you urgently need lotion and chapstick. If you are anything like me, the search for hydrating lip products restarts every winter, producing a struggle to find the perfect formula for a hydrating yet glossy lip. To help with your search this February, I’ve listed four hydrating lip products you will find in my bag throughout the cold winter months.

By now, you’ve probably seen an Instagram ad or two advertising rhode, Hailey Bieber’s skincare brand formulated for sensitive skin and a glazed look. Their minimalistic gray packaging and advertising add to their notion of simplicity and effectiveness. Their Peptide Lip Treatment follows suit. It is the perfect mix of a gloss and a mask, which I personally love. They also smell amazing (my personal favorite is the Salted Caramel). If you are looking for a way to treat yourself this winter, I would highly recommend giving rhode a try.

Another highly praised cult-favorite lip product is the Laneige Glowy Balm. Like the rhode Peptide Lip Treatment, I also use this as more of a gloss than a mask. This product is slightly pigmented (a beautiful pink), which I love for a fancier occasion. I find myself reapplying this every chance I get!

I’ve also recently been obsessing over the Lip Lacquer in Clear, and its $3 price tag doesn’t hurt. This lip gloss compares to Glossier with its hydrating effects and effortless shine. My favorite part is that the gloss lasts hours. Elf has been perfecting their dupes this past year, and I can confidently say this is one of the best.

Last but not least — anyone who knows me is aware that I cannot leave the house without my tried-and-true Aquaphor. I have it in every size and use it multiple times a day. Aquaphor is the most hydrating of these options; it is so perfect for the dry winter months. You can also use it on your skin for extra moisture in a pinch.

All four of these products have saved me this winter, and I hope you are inspired to give them a try!

Sophia May is a new writer for TCU's Her Campus chapter! She enjoys writing about all things wellness, self-care, fashion, and of course, Taylor Swift! Sophia is a first-year business major at TCU. Outside of Her Campus, she is an active member of TCU Frog Aides, a freshman leadership cohort. She also enjoys volunteering in various ways around campus. On her free time, Sophia loves going for walks with friends, crafting, and exploring Fort Worth.