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Treat Yourself During Finals

This is a sponsored feature. All opinions are 100% from Her Campus.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Yes, yes, I know. It’s finals week and you don’t have a free moment to even consider pampering yourself, but hear me out. When we’re stressed out, it is our natural instinct to put oursleves last on our long list of to-do’s. It’s crazy, but during finals we reward ourselves with eating or sleeping. Those things are necessities, not rewards! Here’s a list of things that you can reward yourself with (after you’ve eaten a full meal and slept)!

Do a face mask:

I personally cannot think of anything more rejuvenating than a face mask. It makes me feel refreshed and when I rinse my face with cold water afterwards it helps wake me up!

Sing while you take your time shaving in the shower:

Nothin’ like blasting some holiday music and singing like you’re on stage with Mariah Carey, right? And then when you’re finished with that, there is truly no better feeling in this world than sitting on your bed in a robe after a long, warm shower, feeling how smooth your freshly shaven legs are.

Look good, feel good: 

This may be all in my head, but I always perform better when I take the time to dress nicely, do my makeup, and actually brush my hair. Making that small decision in the morning to not just wear sweats and an oversized t-shirt when I head to the library makes me feel like I’ve already been so productive, so I can take on the world!

Enjoy a tall cup of yogi tea:

While you may have 3 coffees and an energy drink just to make it through all the studying you have to do, take a break and sip on some tea to relax yourself! (Double check that it’s decaf tea when you drink it before bed!)

Give your brain a break from facts and research, read a book:

No one’s brain can handle being force-fed information every second of every day during finals week. Let your mind wander while reading a book from the Book of the Month Club! They’ll even send it right to you so that you don’t need to take the time to search for a good read. 

Cait is the Co-Editor-In-Chief at HCTCNJ, and describes her life with two simple words: organized chaos.