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TCNJ Students Organize Climate Strike on Campus 

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

TCNJ students gathered in Alumni Grove on Sept. 20, 2019 to participate in the Global Climate Strike, a peaceful protest aiming to bring climate change activism and awareness to communities internationally. 

Omeed Rahin, a junior Biology major, assisted in organizing the strike at TCNJ as part of Dr. Shakow’s Climate Change and Society course. In this class, students are responsible for forming teams and starting campaigns centered around different sustainable methods. Omeed’s team, named “People for Plants,” advocates for native plants and sustainable nutrient management practices on campus. 

On Wednesday before the strike, “People for Plants,” along with the other team campaigns, tabled outside of the Student Center to gage interest on climate awareness. After receiving about 130 student signatures, they realized a climate strike on campus was feasible. 

“TCNJ students are frustrated with climate inaction and are willing to be activists,” said Omeed.

The group managed to arrange the strike and publicize it in just two short days to correlate with the official Global Climate Strike. On the day of the strike, an intimate demonstration started in front of the Student Center and quickly grew with many students and even faculty members, holding signs and shouting chants to passersby. Campus Police prompted the protestors to move to Alumni Grove as the strike got larger. 

This successful strike is just the beginning for TCNJ students like Omeed who are dedicated to making a positive environmental impact and encouraging others to do the same.

Omeed, who is looking forward to more on campus climate change activism to come, stated, “We want to capitalize on how people were feeling and how motivated they were.” 

Follow @people4plants_tcnj on instagram to keep the momentum going and see what’s next!


Olivia is a Junior at The College of New Jersey, majoring in Public and Mass Communications.
Mia is a writer for Her20s and former President of Her Campus TCNJ. She loves Her Campus's ability to empower the women of campus and beyond, and she hopes to continue spreading the site's messages of confidence and positivity. You can most likely find her reading, wandering around Trader Joes, or laying on the beach. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @missmiaingui.