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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

By Colleen Duncan

With final tests, papers, and projects racking up, it’s hard to resist a couple of drinks to help you relax. But there are other ways to de-stress that are healthier than opening a bottle or taking a shot.

Adding yoga or meditation to your day is a well-known stress buster. In yoga, you are focused on breathing and stretching, rather than any deadlines or papers you may have. Yoga classes are taught in the Rec Center Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:30 to 6:30.

If you’re not a yogi, that’s okay! Still get yourself to the Fitness Center. There are classes in kickboxing, Zumba, and more. Group classes can be fun and provide you with some socialization if you’ve been held up in the library for hours.

If you need some quiet time instead, a run around the loop to your favorite playlist can be calming. Not only does exercising give you endorphins, which make you happy (think Legally Blonde!), but Glamour magazine recently reported a study showing that exercise gives your brain a boost and increases your memory!

After a sweat-fest, instead of grabbing that third Venti latte from the Library cafe, sip on a cup of tea instead. Chamomile, lavender, and mint teas are especially calming before bed if finals have you up worrying at night.

If at any time you feel finals stress is overwhelming, the Counseling and Psychological Services Center offers confidential counseling services in Eickhoff Hall 107. Just call 609-771-2247or email caps@tcnj.edu for an appointment.