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No Gym? No Problem! How to Stay Fit over Winter Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.


By: Brielle Urciuoli

It is easy to stay fit here on campus.  There are two gyms, a pool, recreation center, and beautiful green salad bar displayed every day at Eickhoff.  But now as winter break approaches, many are wondering how they are going to stay in shape without the gym just a few steps away.  Here are some fun and easy workouts you can do at home—no gym required!

1.      Go for a walk (or run) with a partner.  Call up your best friend and catch up with her with a jog through the park.  Don’t bother your parents for the car to run errands, put your sneakers on and walk through town!  Besides, who wants to spend money on gas anyway?

2.      Go to the mall.  Seriously, need I say more?  Weather you are buying holiday presents for others or spending the gift money you received, a few hours of shopping can burn hundreds of calories.  The more you buy the better!  You’ll be carrying more weight making your workout more and more intense.  To get even more benefit for your shopping spree, avoid the escalators—always take the stairs!  Can’t get to the mall?  Carrying groceries will be just as good! 

3.      Dance!  There are plenty of opportunities to get your blood flowing and dance!  Dancing is a great way to be the life of the party at that New Year’s Eve party you were invited to (no alcohol required!)  Or you can just jam out by yourself at home to your favorite version of “Jingle Bell Rock”!

4.      The Internet is a beautiful thing!  The Internet is such a wonderful resource.  You can Google at home workout plans, search Pilates instruction, or watch some YouTube videos about yoga.  There are plenty of free sources you can look up to get moving!

5.      Rearrange your bedroom.  New year new room!  Has you bed been sitting against the same wall since elementary school?  Now is the perfect time to switch things around!  Just think of all the muscles you’ll use pushing your dresser across the room (get a trusty friend to help you out).  At the end of the day you’ll have worked your muscles and gained a new room!

6.      Hit the slopes.  Skiing or snowboarding is a workout and mini-vacation all in one.  If you never skied or boarded before, grab a few friends and see what resorts give lessons.  Can’t make it to the mountain?  Hopefully we’ll get enough snow over break so everyone can head down to the biggest hill in town and go sledding!  This childish fun is a great way to burn calories by carrying the sled up the hill after every splendid ride!

7.      Shovel snow.  We are supposed to have a brutally cold winter this year, so there is bound to be at least a few inches of snow over break.  Bundle up and shovel outside of your house.  You’ll be doing your family a favor while burning hundreds of calories.  To make back the money you spent during your shopping workout, you can ask neighbors, friends, and family members if you can shovel their property for a small pay!

There are plenty of things you could do to stay active over break.  With these fun tips, you may even forget you’re workout out! 

Hilarey Wojtowicz is a senior Journalism/Professional Writing major at The College of New Jersey. Hilarey works for TCNJ's Residential Education and Housing Department as a Community Advisor, but is truly aspiring to be the next Carrie Bradshaw. Not only does Hilarey love writing for her campus's chapter of Her Campus, but she enjoys writing about sports for local newspapers, as well. A true Jersey girl at heart, Hilarey is definitely not from the Boston area, but is a huge fan of the New England Patriots. You can find her interning in New York City this Fall at Woman's Day Magazine.