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Give Blood, Change Lives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Each year, about 9.2 million Americans give back by donating enough blood to complete 30 million blood transfusions.

Are you ready to donate? There are many opportunities to give blood on campus offered by the American Red Cross and a variety of clubs, such as Circle K.

Before you go, know the requirements to become a donor and prepare yourself to give blood.

1.     Before donating blood, you must be at least 17-years-old and weigh at least 110 pounds.

2.     Bring at least two forms of ID. Acceptable identification cards include: donor cards, drivers licenses and student ID.

3.     You must be feeling well on the day of donation and in good overall health.

Deciding to give blood should not be considered a spontaneous decision. Instead, you should prepare yourself and your body in advance.

4.     On the day of the donation, drink lots of fluid to compensate for the loss of blood.

5.      Wear a top with short-sleeves or sleeves that can easily roll past the elbows.

6.     If possible, eat a diet rich in iron. These foods include spinach, sunflower seeds, beef, lamb, beans, dark chocolate, lamb and tofu.

7.     Bring a friend to hold your hand and keep you relaxed throughout the process.

Although donating blood may see daunting with all of the needles and equipment, it is worth it. Giving blood is an act that will save lives.

A Sophomore Biology major at The College of New Jersey, who has an affinity for fashion, beauty, pop culture, and anything with humor!