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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

It’s a deadly combination-hating your acne and the convenience of the internet. After wallowing in my sorrows about my pimples, I knew I had to do something about it. Obviously, the first step was to go to a dermatologist, but I was in college and also really lazy. So, I did what I thought was reasonable: I turned to Curology. I had heard about it from multiple Instagram and Youtube ads, and after reading lots of reviews from their website, it seemed credible. It helped that their trial was practically free; all I had to do was pay a small fee for shipping.

Don’t get me wrong, I was skeptical at first. How would they know what medicine would work for me? Why was this better than going to a real dermatologist? Does cheap equal bad? I had many questions. But after looking on their website and actually talking to the provider, I felt a lot better. Their process was quite simple. After signing up, I answered a few questions about what I was looking for, and sent in photos of my face. Then, I set up a date for a phone call with a provider, and that was that. She called me and we talked a bit about my skin, and any questions that I had. After we chatted, the provider told me what ingredients would go into my “superbottle,” and after recognizing the names of the ingredients, I was feeling confident about it.

IMG Source Minji Kim

Fast forward about two weeks from the phone call. I had been using the formula for a week or so, and was becoming really impatient. I hoped to see results right away, but it seemed to get worse. This was a side effect that I was warned about, but to see it actually happen on my face was not a pleasant thing to wake up to. I was not excited to see what else would happen. 

Fast forward again to now- about 6 weeks from when I first started the “treatment.” Fingers crossed, but I am quite happy. First of all, the texture of my skin, which is something that I wanted to improve, has gotten much better. I have much less acne than before, and things are good. I am already done with my free month trial and onto the next. I admit, the full size bottle package is more expensive than the free shipping, but I would say that it is really worth it. It comes with the regular sized superbottle, along with a full sized moisturizer and cleanser. Good stuff! Take it from me. It really doesn’t hurt to try Curology out. So go wash your face and drink a lot of water, because that really is the first step to clearer skin. And if not, try Curology.

Minji Kim

TCNJ '22

Minji is a senior English and Elementary Education major who is passionate about skincare, turtlenecks, and accurate book-to-movie adaptations.
Mia is a writer for Her20s and former President of Her Campus TCNJ. She loves Her Campus's ability to empower the women of campus and beyond, and she hopes to continue spreading the site's messages of confidence and positivity. You can most likely find her reading, wandering around Trader Joes, or laying on the beach. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @missmiaingui.