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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Freshman year is already in full-swing for the TCNJ Class of 2022, which means you’ve joined Facebook groups and floor GroupMe’s, you’ve done the fun bonding activities and boring ice-breakers; so you probably have a good idea of the people you’ll be seeing around campus. But, you don’t know how they really are. Thankfully, I’ve compiled a list of people you will likely meet your first year at TCNJ.

You’re welcome.


1. The Party Girl

This girl is the definition of goals. Tan, toned, and drop-dead gorgeous. All of the guys on the floor were talking about her by move-in, and it somehow seems like she already knows everyone on campus. She probably goes out more nights of the week than she stays in, and if she lives near you, you’ll definitely hear her stumbling in at 1 or 2 in the morning. To each their own, I guess? Source

2. The Overachiever

You probably already have a good idea of who this is. S/he constantly posted in the Facebook group, texts in the GroupMe, and follows nearly every single freshman on Instagram. They’re probably looking to be super involved on campus. Ambassador, Student Government, Leadership, etc. At first they may come off annoying, but give it some time… they’re probably just as nervous as you are! Source

3. The Althete/Jock

This guy is probably on the football, soccer, or wrestling team. At first, he can seem super intimidating. The first few weeks, most of the jocks run in packs because they spend so much time together. But get to know them individually, and one can surprise you! TCNJ is obviously not a D1 school, so most athletes are pretty down to earth.


4. The Biomedical Engineering (BME) Major

It sounds specific, but it’s true. At some point in your first year, you will meet a Biomedical Engineer Major (or at least, know of one). A lot of people call them BME’s. They have a lot of classes together, so many of them are friends, or at least friendly with each other. Their schedules are always pretty hectic because of their demanding major, but they’re some of the craziest people you’ll ever meet (and I mean that in the best way possible)! Don’t be too quick to judge with these guys.


5. The Annoyingly Cute Couple

You see this couple all the time and they’re always joined at the hip. They either came to TCNJ together, or met at Playfair and have somehow fallen in love within a week. They’re super cute together, but you can’t help but hate them because it reminds you of how single you are. As long as one of them doesn’t live on your floor, you should be in the clear (if one of them does though – there’s a 99% chance you’re going to run in on them hooking up in the laundry room, unfortunately).


6. That Person You See Everywhere

You probably met this person at a party, had a class with them, went to high school with them, etc. For some reason, no matter the time or place, you always see them while out and about. Maybe you don’t know this person, or even their name. But every single time you step out of Wolfe, Travers or ABE, you see them walking back from class, playing Frisbee or in the meal equiv line. TCNJ is too small of a campus, and sometimes, there is no escape – trust me.


7. The Creep

From the minute you meet this person, they will give you weird vibes. This person was probably popular in high school, and he hit on all of the girls in the FB group. He’s kind of gross to be honest – always smelling like JUUL pods and TDubs chicken nuggets. He almost looks like he walks in slow motion, and is like, always wearing a snapback and white Nike socks? At some point this semester, or even next, he’ll probably try to ask for your number, Snapchat, or maybe even try to slide into your Instagram DMs. Just, whatever you do, try to steer clear!


8. Your Crush

Ugh – you internally scream every time and immediately text your group chat when you see this person in line at the Student Center. They’re perfect – smart, friendly, and beautiful. You probably follow them on instagram and stalk them regularly. It’s normal.


9. Your People

These people are your soulmates. You truly don’t know how you lived your entire life without them. Whether it’s hanging out in your room, studying in the library, or going out on the weekends, you could never get sick of these guys. They are your best friends, biggest supporters, and home away from home. And if you’re lucky enough, they’re your roommates.

Nicole Bachrach is a Sophomore Communications/Public Relations major and Law/Politics/Philosophy minor and the Pinterest Social Media Specialist on the HC E-Board at TCNJ.
Kyra Mackesy graduated The College of New Jersey with a BA in Journalism and Professional Writing and a minor in Criminology in 2019. While at TCNJ, she was an active member of their Her Campus chapter, holding a wide array of positions: President and Campus Correspondent, Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editor, Marketing and Publicity Director, and Social Media Manager. She loved seeing her chapter grow throughout her four years in college, and will remain an active Her Campus Alumni.