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5 Overlooked College Essentials

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Move-in day has come and gone, and we have spent countless hours unpacking and organizing until our dorm rooms look Instagram-worthy. But now you may be facing the realization that you have completely forgot to pack things that you desperately need. Whether it’s a pillow (which has happened to me,) or food for late night snacking, here is a compilation of some college essentials that you may forget at home during the hustle and bustle of move-in day.

1.Utensils and Bowls

For those days when you do not want to walk across campus to get food, having a few kitchen utensils and bowls are a life saver. Keep some milk in your fridge to make yourself a bowl of cereal or oatmeal for breakfast before classes.

2. Rain Boots

Knowing the weather in Ewing, it is absolutely essential to bring a good pair of rain boots to college. Walking across campus and sitting in a lecture with wet shoes is not comfortable for anyone.

3. A duffel bag or small suitcase

You never know when you may need an overnight bag. Whether you need to make an emergency visit home or you want to spend the weekend at a friend’s house, it is important to have a small suitcase in your room to make the transition easier throughout the semester.

4. Band-Aids and Medicine

Somehow after a long day of classes, I always return to my dorm with a plethora of paper cuts on my fingers. Also, having a stocked medicine supply in your room is crucial for the days that you think you may be sick; the extra precaution helps. 

5. Snacks

The one mistake I made during my first semester of college was not having good snacks. Having great snacks at your disposable will make those study sessions even more productive and reduce food cravings throughout your day. Some of my favorite snacks to start off the school year right are: Skinny Pop Popcorn and barkTHINS snacking chocolate!


A Sophomore Biology major at The College of New Jersey, who has an affinity for fashion, beauty, pop culture, and anything with humor!