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Why Do Girls Talk So Much When They’re Drunk?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Short explanation: They need to get some stuff off their chest.

As I sat on my living room couch with my roommate on a Friday night, both of us cradling our glasses of wine in our hands, I voiced out to her, “Why do girls talk so much when we’re drunk?” This was after the fact that she just finished a lengthy rant about the recent dilemma in her life.

I began to think about all the times I’ve been out with my friend group, who happen to be all girls, and it made me realize that after we get a few drinks in us, we began to confide to one another about what’s going on in our lives.

Something that always stuck with me after taking a psychology class of my freshman year in college was that alcohol has a way of affecting a certain part of our brain called the cerebral cortex. It makes people act differently or speak in a way they don’t normally speak as oppose to when they’re sober.

From my experience in college, when I’m around my friends or just random girls that have been drinking, we tend to be friendlier and throw many compliments at each other. And don’t even get me started on the bathroom talk, all you have to know is that girls will support one another 100% when they’re in the restroom complaining about some guy that’s done them wrong.

So if you ever find yourself in a position where the girls you’re around are oversharing about their lives or suddenly give you big hugs out of nowhere or say they love you, just know that they don’t usually act like that. It’s the drinks talking. And if you are the one that you think this article is about, remember to drink responsibly.

Howdy, I'm a senior English major at Texas A&M University. I'm a huge book lover and a movie fanatic. I'm here to share many stories with y'all.