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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller


If someone told me a year ago that around this time schools around the nation would be closed indefinitely, stores were running out of groceries, and everyone was going to be stuck at home – I’d say they were crazy. But it’s our new reality, and it’s a lot to handle in a world where we’re constantly on the go. School years have been cut short, jobs are being lost, businesses are shutting down, and the streets of crowded cities are quiet. But despite the lows of this time, we are one and we have come together in more ways than we know. 

Teachers are being more appreciated for their selflessness, hard work, and patience. Medical personnel and first responders are receiving love and thanks from all around the world, and people are coming together to provide for those affected by this global issue. In a time where there is darkness, it’s important to spread light and positivity. 

The other day while watching the first hour of the Today Show, I witnessed co-anchor Hoda Kotb break down on live television after talking about the city of New Orleans and how it had been affected by COVID-19. In that moment I felt her heartbreak, I felt her pain, and I felt her grief. Every once in a while, I’ll feel this little rush of anxiety and it’s hard to hold back the tears, but I know I’m not alone. You hear about the lives lost, the kids who don’t understand why they can’t go see their friends at school, the husband who can’t go see his wife and new born baby in the hospital. You see the empty streets that were once full of smiling faces, and yet you still have to continue on when the world around you has suddenly come to a halt. 

These are tough times that we’re living in, but who you are and what you do from this point on matters. The people around you still need you and depend on you to get each other through. Now, more than ever, the world needs your love, generosity, and support. When positive vibes are spread, the world around you becomes a bit brighter. In times like these, stay active, stay home, and remain open-minded.

Text or call those you haven’t spoken to in a while and ask how they’re doing. Go outside and do some yoga, walk around the neighborhood, get a good jog in. Watch a movie, dance to some music, paint a self-portrait or pick up an instrument and learn some new tunes. Love on your pets, cuddle with your loved ones, say the words “I love you” and mean it with every ounce of your body. Read a book, write a poem, know that your art during this time is important. There’s a whole variety of activities you can do and there’s so much to learn from all of this. 

We’re living in historical times. Times that will go down in history as an era where we all came together to create a better and healthier tomorrow for all. We put differences aside to assist strangers that needed our help. We left random notes of love and courage for someone to see when they felt like giving up. And we remained hopeful that no matter how near or far, everyone around us would overcome this crisis. 

Keep your head up and follow all guidelines in order to keep you and everyone else safe. We will get past this. We will come out stronger. The whole world is a family and families don’t let each other fall. 

We are one world. We are one people. We are one. 


Brinna is a proud member of Texas A&M's Class of 2021 and is an English Major hoping to spread her love and energy through stories and conversation. Brinna is a lover of all things film, family, music, and anything and everything that includes Meryl Streep.