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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

There’s nothing better to help the quarantine blues than a couple of houseplants to keep your space feeling alive. But where do you start? Keeping a plant alive may seem like a daunting task, but these easy to maintain plants should help you ripen that green thumb and help you learn the basics of being a plant parent!

Snake Plant

If you have a brown thumb, the snake plant is one of the best plants to start with. It can be kept in a rather shaded area, and has minimal watering requirements. And, don’t worry if you forget about it for a while. Snake plants are known to thrive on neglect.

Money Tree

Have a problem with overwatering? No problem. The money tree comes from a swampy area and doesn’t mind soaking for a while. Put this sucker by a window with ample indirect light and have fun telling your friends that you own an actual money tree!

Spider Plant

Don’t worry the spiders aren’t included. Much like snake plants, spider plants can handle a lot of neglect, and are good for forgetful gardeners. The don’t need too much sun, and prefer to be watered less often. They can even produce flowers under the right conditions, and eventually develop babies called spiderettes. How cute!

Lucky Bamboo

You’re in luck with how easy the lucky bamboo plant is to take care of. This plant eminates good luck and good vibes, just enough to keep your gardening sprits up. The best part is that you can plant it in pebbles, and it doesn’t require much light. Perfect for low light homes.

Aloe Vera

If you have a window that gets lots of sun, plop this bad boy down and don’t water till it’s completely dry. Aloe Vera are succulents, and therefore one of the easiest types of plants to take care of. And, you get a bonus treat of fresh aloe when they grow large enough!

Air Plants

The really cool thing about air plants? They don’t even need soil (or any other potting mix for that matter)! As the name suggests, all theses guys need is air and a weekly watering and you’re good to go. Also, just like succulents, there is such a huge variety to choose from!

Peace Lily

If you’re really feeling confident in your beginner plant skills, a peace lily is a great flowering plant to start with. The only thing that makes this guy a little harder than the others mentioned is that it prefers a humid environment. This can be easily achieved by spraying it with water a few times a week to keep it happy. 

These are only a few of the plants that I have found to be super easy to care for, as a beginner myself. There are loads of easy plants out there, including succulents and cacti. Go out there and give it a try! Learning takes time, so don’t feel let down if you kill a few when you start out. Learn from your mistakes and become the plant master you wish to be.

Hello! I'm a Senior English Major from Texas A&M University, and the current Editor-in-Chief and Co-Correspondent for HC TAMU. At first glance I just seem like a normal gal in her twenties. At second glance... ok yeah nothing changes. Aspiring Science Fiction Author with no time to write. Started from Wattpad, now we're here.