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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

There where the orange and blue meet, 

Where the day becomes night 

And the sun hides to let the moon peek out, 

Where the stars come to play, 

And the clouds step aside.

You found me whispering verses, 

Painting old proses, 

Dancing in the garden 

And contemplating roses. 

I found you lost in circuits of time,  

In between the tenth and the ninth, 

Tangled in power lines,

Electrifying heart. 

And the night and day met 

in an unforeseen event.

My eyes encountered yours. 

And the sky went gold. 

Hello, My name is Brenda. I am a senior student at Texas A&M, majoring in Biomedical Sciences and minoring in Spanish. I have an enormous passion for reading and writing. My favorite books are Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights. I enjoy practicing playing the piano and singing, for I believe music feeds the soul. I consider myself to be the biggest Disney Fan. My favorite movie of all time is Beauty and the Beast, and I dream of becoming a dentist one day.