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An Open Letter to Santa, From a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Dear Santa, 

I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, which makes me hope my name is still on your nice list.

Just a little side note: please ignore those night outs of partying and procrastinating. That may have been my evil twin Alaya, seeking revenge for that Easy Bake Oven you got me that one Christmas instead of her.

As you can see, I am now a responsible adult, although my definition of an adult would be a person who sleeps in a snowman onesie the night before Christmas and leaves out cookies and a glass of warm milk for the magical man.

I still refuse to believe you’re not real, even if the world begs to differ. I mean, what else would explain how my presents magically appear under the tree in the morning?

Anyhow, for many years, I’ve given you a 10-item wish list, all of which included a bike, a GameBoy, and the cute boy who sat in front me during history class in elementary school. Since moving out of mom’s house to the oh-so-loving homey walls of my dorm room, my list has… matured.

Here’s exactly what I want… well, need this Christmas: 

  1. Spotify Premium: Essential for studying. You know, because the ads can disrupt my thoughts. #brokecollegestudent
  2. A four-year subscription to Netflix: Your magic can apply to monetary purposes, right? 
  3. University-wide designated nap time: If Spain has them, why can’t we? I don’t know how much longer I can do all nighters. They are starting to affect my immune system and overall attitude toward life. Oh, God! Am I starting to become the Grinch?! I think I can see my skin turning green! Quick, call the doctor! 
  4. One meal from mom delivered weekly: Preferably tacos de caballo, albondigas, and posole. Food is truly the key for survival. 
  5. Free textbooks: I know they weigh down the sleigh a bit, but so will the total amount of money for them. #thestruggleisreal
  6. Endless supply of caffeine: For the sake of my bank account and my all nighters. 
  7. Dogs: You know, for therapeutic purposes. Especially during finals week. It’s good to have a nice distraction after my tenth mental breakdown. Girl needs some comforting motivation. Coffee can only do so much. 
  8. A magic wand: It would save me a lot of time with laundry. And homework. And college in general. As a matter of fact, can you make it powerful enough to make my student loans disappear? K, thanks! 

Sincerely,  Your average homesick, hungry, sleep deprived college student

P.S. Socks are always acceptable, and free food gift cards won’t go unappreciated.   

Ashley Salas is an English major at Texas A&M University. When Ashley isn't writing, she spends her time creating original photography works and petting every dog she sees on the street. #dangerouswoman  She hopes to inspire people with her words and be the voice of many who are muted. 
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." – Ernest Hemingway Carina received her B.A. in English from Texas A&M University in May 2019. She was employed on campus at the University Writing Center as a Writing Consultant and in the Department of English as a Digital Media Assistant. She was the Editor-in-Chief for the Her Campus at TAMU chapter and was also the President of TAMU’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society. She previously interned with the Her Campus National Team as a Chapter Advisor and with KVIA ABC-7 News as a News Correspondent Assistant.