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Motivation Monday: A Positive Attitude Will Lead to a Positive Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Life is full of ups and downs. You can’t control what happens in your life because it’s so unpredictable, although you can control your attitude towards it. No matter how rough life gets, a positive attitude can have a huge impact on your perspective. When something negative occurs, there is always going to be a better event to come next.

You need to start believing that there is always something good in every situation and look deep enough to find it. Life will get difficult because it isn’t supposed to be easy. It’s a bumpy road, but throughout your way you learn how to take each step carefully. You need to experience that bumpy road in order to appreciate the amazing things life has to offer.

Always have faith that it will get better by time because it can’t stay dark all night long. The dawn has to come and the sun will come up. You’ll start a whole new day with a whole new attitude because negative attitudes or thoughts will not take you anywhere. Even if everything around you is negative, you need to stay positive because you’ll benefit from it. A positive mind leads to a positive life because you get to see the world from a different point of view. You get to see the ray of sunshine through out the dark night.

Finally, like I said before, everything happens for a reason. Sadness comes our way so we can appreciate happiness. Pain comes our way to give us a wake up call that we need to change. Hard times make you see the true colors of people. And always remember if you screw up, you still have tomorrow to make things better. It’s never too late. It’s all about your attitude. Have faith that it will get better and remember whether you’re aware of it or not, someone will always have your back. With all of life’s ups and downs, enjoy the crazy journey.  


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