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Motivation Monday: 3 Ways to Make Your Mornings Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

If you wake up every day feeling grumpy and not wanting to get out of bed because you don’t want to deal with people, you’re not alone. Here are 3 ways to help you get out of bed and get the day started: 

1. Decorate your room in a positive way

In my room I made a positive reinforcement/happiness wall. Every morning that I wake up and look at it. It makes me smile and I become energetic to start the day. Fill your room with bright colors and create a good atmosphere so you’re relaxed when you go to bed. You will wake up refreshed and ready to go. Nothing is going to stop you from being fabulous.

2. The smell of coffee can fix any and everything 

Who doesn’t like coffee? If you’re feeling grumpy in the early morning, go right into the kitchen and get that cup of hot coffee. Trust me, you’ll find yourself smiling because all you need is one cup of coffee to make you a happier person. The minute you’re thinking, “uh, why do I have to get out of this bed?” remember that 5 minutes later you’ll have your favorite mug in your hand, drinking away your morning grumpiness.

3. Be someone’s sunshine

Did you ever think by cheering someone up, you might cheer yourself up? It feels so good inside when you help out other people. It doesn’t matter if it’s just a random act of kindness, like smiling at a stranger. It’s the smallest things that occupy the biggest space in our hearts. Do good and good things will come to you. Cheer someone up on your way to class or work and the rest of your day will end up being a good. Instead of being a grumpy person who just wants to stay in bed, you can be a person who made a small change in someone’s life.

Waking up and dealing with people in the early morning can be a struggle, but if you look around, you’ll always find something to be grateful for. Wake up with determination to make a difference in yours, your friends’, and a stranger’s life. Make it a goal to always find what makes you happy and do more of it. Let go of what causes negativity in your life. It’s your life, you design it the way you want it. Be positive, be courageous to try new things, go to bed feeling relaxed, and wake up ready to start a whole new bright day. Bring it on fabulous people and don’t let anything come in your way!  

Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3