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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

We are at that point in the semester yall. Finals. We spend the whole semester learning the material for this final moment, yet when we get here, we feel so overwhelmed and not prepared at all.So I have made a list of the top five things you should start doing to have a smooth finals week.

  1. Pick your study spot

You have to pick your spit wisely. It has to be a place where you feel comfortable and at ease, but know you won’t be distracted. This can vary from person to person. For some people, this can be their dining room table, at a coffee shop, or studying with some friends. Whatever you pick, though, be real with yourself and make sure that you will focus on your work.

  1. Pomodoro method

I have such a hard time not only starting a task but also concentrating. The pomodoro method is a great way to tackle both. The way it works is that you set a timer for 25 minute intervals. During that time, you have to focus on what you are doing nonstop. After the 25 minutes are done, you take a five-minute break. Make sure to stand up and move around during this break. It helps break the mindset of “oh, I’m studying”. Repeat this process four times. After the fourth 25 mins study session, you take a huge 30 mins break. This method works wonders! Usually, once you start, you don’t want the 25 mins to be over!

  1. Relax

This may sound hard but try to relax. Whether that is taking a nap, watching a movie, or playing with your dog. Take time for yourself. This will help you be more effective when studying.

  1. Treat yo’ self

Reward yourself! You can do that however you please. It could be coffee, a snack, a show, whatever it is, don’t forget to reward yourself for all the hard work you are putting in.

  1. Rest

I know that we think that during finals we can’t sleep. All we have to do is study well now! Rest is very important in the learning process. It helps with retention and not only that, but it keeps you awake for all the things you are doing. Make sure to rest well during finals, so you are energized and ready to ace those tests!

Alondra is a bright, smiley, cow-loving student majoring in Psychology and minoring in both biology and philosophy. She is also a pharmacy technician and hopes to one day become a doctor. On her day to day she is running from one place to another and being vocal about her activism. Alondra tends to be a busy bee and also a social butterfly. When she's not busy you will find her in a hammock and hanging out with her friends or family. She is also a proud puertorican, a libra , a Halloween fanatic and a mom to a lovely pitbull mix named Bella Rose