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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

This last week, I have had to deal with an awful accident that occurred, which was breaking my ankle at one of my dance team practices. At the moment, all I could think about was the busy month ahead of me and how awful everything was going to end up being before I even knew it was broken. This overflowing feeling of regret churned in my stomach while thinking about every little thing I could have done differently to not let this accident happen, but in the end, there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. 

I went to the doctor, and they broke the news to me that my ankle was broken, and on top of that, I would soon need surgery. I felt as though I was letting my team down by not being able to dance in our soon-to-be national competition coming ahead. Despite all my anxiousness and worries regarding what I would do next and how I would attend all these events I had planned in the upcoming weeks, the one thing that truly helped me was realizing how many people I had around me for support. I had countless people reaching out to me, making sure I knew I could ask them for anything that I needed, and that is truly what made the difference for me. 

My one piece of advice I would have for anyone going through a disappointing situation, although sounds cliche, is to think of the positive side of everything and just imagine it all working out in the end. Even though I am not able to dance on the national stage with my teammates, I’m still going to attend nationals with my teammates to be there to support everyone dancing. Also, I still have three more years to be on the team, so that just means three more chances to dance on that national stage! Everything will always work out in the end, even if it doesn’t seem like it, and everything always happens for a reason. 

Madison Scerbo is a current sophomore and holds the position of Social Media and Marketing Director of University of Tampa, Her Campus Chapter. She enjoys writing about lifestyle tips, the latest trends, fashion, and personal experiences. Apart from Her Campus Madison is majoring in Business Marketing and has a Minor in Film and Media Arts. She loves being involved with communities on campus and is also on the Tampa Dance Team- The Spartan Scarlets as well as in the sorority Delta Gamma, Epsilon Theta Chapter. Having taken creative writing and cinematography classes she has always had a passion for the arts. Madison has been involved in dance for over ten years and is a sales associate at The Olive Oil Pantry in her hometown allowing her to learn about healthy eating and fitness lifestyles. In her free time, Madison loves to hang out with friends, go on walks, try new foods, and go to the beach! You can often find her out and about or cozied up watching her favorite movie.