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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Have you seen the show “Girl Code” on MTV? We all know it, and if not, the concept is pretty simple: girls know that life is not simple unless you have rules. I mean, if you go against the rules, “you can’t sit with us,”–it’s quite simple. Here are some easy to follow Girl Codes, dedicated to my UT ladies.

-Camel toe is not an accessory, no pets allowed on campus, ladies. Leave it at home. #GirlCodeUT

-Sending ugly snapchats to your bestie and trusting them not to post it ANYWHERE. #GirlCodeUT

-Never leave your bestie alone at a keg stand.. stand by her side and take her picture. #GirlCodeUT

-Never drink and dial. #GirlCodeUT

-Pregame before the pregame. #GirlCodeUT

-Never walk alone.. do you really want to show up in one of those Global Messages from Campus Safety? #GirlCodeUT

-If you don’t have an ass, leggings are not pants. #GirlCodeUT

-No one wants to see your ass hanging out ladies, say no to the cheeky. P.S. Those Hollister shorts no longer fit. #GirlCodeUT

-Spandex + granny panties= NO NO. #GirlCodeUT

-Don’t take jungle juice from a guy.. unless he’s really cute. #GirlCodeUT

-Tony is NOT a match maker, smile and wave ladies, smile and wave. #GirlCodeUT

-Never go up Plant Hall’s stairs while texting unless you wanna cause a scene. #GirlCodeUT

-When you trip on Plant Hall’s stairs, keep it going and don’t look back. #GirlCodeUT

-Figure out your group’s “man rules” before sh*t happens. #GirlCodeUT

-If your friend was recently dumped, the weekend is theirs and you are their babysitters. So put down the vodka. #GirlCodeUT

-You are your friend’s lesbian lover at any point of the night if necessary. Like when that creepy guy at Prana can’t take a hint. #GirlCodeUT

-F*ck the mall.. we go to Cirilas. #GirlCodeUT

-Love is a 4 letter word.. but so is food. #GirlCodeUT

-There’s no better therapy than girlfriends, wine, and Facebook searches of hot guys. #GirlCodeUT

-You don’t borrow clothes from your friend unless it’s your best friend. #GirlCodeUT

-If you are at the end of the DQ line on Sunday.. you should re-evaluate yourself. #GirlCodeUT

-Don’t EVER be on another i’m shacked video. Seriously. #GirlCodeUT

-Never go alone to the post office because you’re gonna need someone to open that mailbox. #GirlCodeUT

-Freshmen girls… stay away from the cookies. #GirlCodeUT

-If you’re wearing sneakers, your ass better not be near The Grill. #GirlCodeUT

-Dropping a fork at the caf is like throwing a bomb… you better be ready. #GirlCodeUT

-Be friendly to the girl in front of you in the line for the bathroom.. if not she WILL take her sweet ass time. #GirlCodeUT

-No one cares that you’re on your Fresh Creations grind.. just eat your lettuce and be sad. #GirlCodeUT

-Never double text, even if it has been three days. If they didn’t say anything back, it’s over. Move on with your life. #GirlCodeUT

-If it’s raining outside, it is okay to skip class. Welcome to Florida B*tches. #GirlCodeUT

Got a rule you’d like to see in our next #GirlCodeUT?

Send me an email at jasmine.fajardo@spartans.ut.edu