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Getting Through UT Midterms

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Getting through UT midterms You’re half way through the semester! Unfortunately that’s not always a good thing because midterms week means all your teachers decide to have a 10 chapter exam on the same day, how convenient! Here are some tips on getting through this hell week alive.

1. We finally have a good coffee place on campus.. USE IT

2. Take breaks between studying to enjoy the “cool” fall weather. It really helps clear your head so you don’t get too stressed out and you can actually study more than one subject a day

3. Study with a friend! Study buddies make everything better, don’t understand something? Ask. Need a quick break? Chat for a couple of minutes. Need someone to motivate you? No one wants to be the first one to leave a study group (they may think you’re weak!)

4. Get your sleep. Don’t stay up all night, you’ll regret it. Sleep really helps you retain the information you’ve been studying all day and helps you get through the long day you have ahead of you.

5. Take some “me” time.

6. Don’t wait until the last minute. You think you’re stressed now? You’ll be 100X more stressed if you wait till the last minute to study for 3 tests and write 2 papers.

7. Promise yourself rewards After I read this chapter and take notes I can go get a coffee, after I finish this study guide I can read some Her Campus blogs ;)

8. Go to class! Duh…it makes studying and taking tests a lot easier, that’s what class is for after all.

9. Halloween is soon! Stay positive

Amalie Laigaard is a Junior at the University of Tampa, majoring in Public Health and Wellness.  She was born in Denmark, raised in New Jersey, and now lives in SW Florida.  Her passion is split between helping others and writing about anything and everything in her life.  During her free time she soaks up the Florida sun while reading by the pool, or she will be found in the kitchen making some chocolatey concoction!