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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

School is officially back in session for most of us! For me, it’s getting to that first hill in the school year where the first exams of the semester are starting. That adrenaline of the beginning of the year is starting to wear off, and being able to keep up with everything in my life starts to look more and more daunting. No matter what your circumstances are, the school year can definitely take a toll on your mental health. That’s why it’s so important for me to have some tools to battle that burnout some of us may be feeling. Here are some areas I focus on to stay grounded and make it through the semester, putting my best foot forward:


My environment is SO important to me. Growing up, I really struggled to keep my room clean as it was a direct reflection of my mental health, which was definitely not the best. So now, I make sure I take the time and do everything I can to make my environment as conducive to my task and a healthy mindset as possible. I like to make sure all of my senses are catered to whenever I am preparing to get something done, like homework, cleaning, or getting meaningful rest. My diffuser and candles are perfect for setting up that new fall scent for a cozy study session, bright and zesty lemon to get me up and cleaning or lavender to be nice and zen before bed. I like to pair this with maybe a tea to sip on or just my trusty hydroflask with some fresh water. (Speaking of which, this is a friendly reminder to clean that emotional support waterbottle) With plenty of ambient lighting, white noise, and comfortable space to sit, I am ready to fully dedicate myself to the task ahead. It gets done more efficiently, leaving me more time overall. 

Realistic Time Management 

Setting up my environment takes minimal time if maintained properly, and as I mentioned, having the right environment allows me to get my tasks done efficiently. However, that’s not to say I don’t struggle with getting everything I need done, especially as a chronic procrastinator. What has helped me the most is realistically looking at the tasks I need to accomplish, when they need to be done, and how long they’re going to take. Being able to set up a schedule I know I can stick to allows me to schedule time for things other than school and work, like extracurriculars, hanging with my friends, or just taking some me time.


I prioritize my mental health as I know nothing else will get done properly if I’m not in the right mindset. This means when I’m studying and that clock hits 11:30 PM and I know I have an 8:00 AM class the next day, it’s time to start getting to bed. That extra little bit of studying, at least for me personally, isn’t actually helping as my brain is too tired to comprehend completely what I’m reading. Falling behind because I am too tired for class the next day will definitely not help me succeed.

School is extremely important to me, and so while taking care of my mental health is my number one priority, making sure I plan enough time to dedicate myself to my school work is something I really try to focus on. When I plan my days and even my schedule for the upcoming school year, I like to fill in school work time first, and if there’s no time left for taking care of my mental health, whether that be a full night’s rest or making time for my friends, I know that schedule is too much for me. Planning this way, realistically, allows me to feel accomplished and continue moving forward in my schooling and career, all while enjoying it along the way. 

All of these things are what work for me personally, and they definitely didn’t always. I learned a lot of these ideas along a long mental health journey with lots of help from medical professionals. That being said, I am also not perfect. A lot of this stuff is easier said than done, and my days are not always perfectly laid out, but that doesn’t counteract the work that I, or anyone else, put in to be the healthiest version of myself. I will continue to learn and develop healthy habits, and I am sure with time, this list will grow longer and longer. I hope this gives you guys some inspiration, and know even if you just survived today, I’m proud of you! 

Victoria Burghardt is an editor for Her Campus's Tampa Chapter. Her articles cover many topics but frequently reflect her passions such as scuba diving and all things nature. She is studying Marine Science/Biology with minors in Mathematics and Psychology at the University of Tampa. When not in class, Tori can often be found diving. She is currently finishing her Divemaster program and works for Adventure Outfitters, a dive shop in South Tampa. She is also a volunteer for the Florida Aquarium at their conservation campus in Apollo Beach, FL where she cares for coral nurseries. Tori is passionate about all things outdoors, especially if they have to do with the water. She loves learning everything she can about marine life and their unique habits and behaviors. One of her favorite parts about diving is watching reef organisms interact with each other. Outside of science, Tori was a competitive baton twirler in Pennsylvania, her favorite performances were twirling fire in Halloween parades back home, her absolute favorite time of year. She loves a good night in watching horror movies and other films with her friends.