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11 Types of Guys You Meet on Tinder

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

If you are on Tinder, there is no doubt that you’ve swiped through all sorts of characters on this site. Some are funny and spark your interest, others are crude and flat out creepy, and if you’re lucky, some seem to be perfect boyfriend material. You never know what you are going to get next after you swipe. Here are the typical 11 types of guys you will come across on your Tinder quest:

1.  The selfie king: Please, put your shirt back on and slowly step away from the mirror. There is a difference between confidence and cockiness, hopefully you can tell the difference #leftswipe

2. The comedian: The guy who thinks he’s being funny when in reality he comes off as really creepy #nope

3. The sports guy: Girls, who can really resist a man in uniform? #rightswipe

4. The spring breakers: Tinder follows your current location, so those Northern boys raiding Florida for break are looking for a good time. Use your judgement, this one is your call ladies.

5. The animal lover: Having a dog makes you instantly 50% hotter #automaticrightswipe

6. The about me charmer: The one who writes weird or rude ‘About Me’ sections. If you are turned off or creeped out by his comment, which is a strong possibility, do a quick #leftswipe

7.  The guy who takes pictures with kids: Being good with children is a plus for most girls, especially if the kids are just as adorable as he is. It’s a good insight to what kind of guy he is. #yes

8. The honest and normal guy: Gentlemen, we thank you, we need more of you #rightswipe

9. The Groupie: The one who puts up only group shots. The more people in the picture, the less we can pick you out. #leftswipe if you don’t want to take the time to figure out who he is, #rightswipe if there are enough guys in the picture who spark your interest.

10.  The fisher: The guy showing off the animal that he just caught; most likely a fish. This one goes to your own personal.

11.  Mr. Vicky: And lastly, the one who has Victoria’s Secret as a shared interest. Um, this is just a little weird  #nope

Happy swiping ladies!

 A senior at the University of Tampa, Brianne is finishing up her degree in Communications. After graduation, she hopes to have a job in her field of choice; whether it be in her home state of Massachusetts, here in Tampa, or somewhere new and exciting. And if that doesn’t work out as planned, she has her reality television applications ready at hand - say hello to your next Bachelorette! But until graduation day, Brianne has full blown Peter Pan Syndrome. As she refuses to grow up, you can find her watching Disney movies, planning trips to the zoo to feed the giraffes, eating dessert for dinner, and coloring any chance she gets. Buzzfeed, Netflix, anything coconut, and wine are also some of her guilty pleasures.