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10 Most Important Topics in Her Campus’s Guide to College Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.
Recently, our very own Her Campus published a book filled with amazing tips for college girls (and guys) on everything from eating healthy to dating your TA. Not to ruin the book for you, but give you a little taste, I have come up with the ten best topics you should read. Buy this amazing book to get the full scoop! 
1. Staying safe at parties and bars
It is so important for students to know the dangers to be cautious of at parties and in bars. Always keep your eye on your drink, and watch out for drugs being that can easily be slipped in drinks like jungle juice.
2. Understanding and preventing sexual assault
Sometimes, college students don’t even know they’ve been sexually assaulted. Just because someone is your friend, doesn’t mean they wouldn’t hurt you. This book gives great tips to prevent these attacks.
3. How to eat healthy in the dining hall
If you’re anything like me, you’ll eat anything that is put in front of you. 
4. Stress
Not all stress is the same, but all college kids face it at one point or another. Read up on some tips to alleviate or even full on stop stress. 
5. Women’s health issues that you should be aware of
Girls get the worst health problems from the simplest of things. Know what signs to look out for, so you can keep yourself healthy and happy! 
6. Rotten romantic relationships
Listen to Taylor Swift’s “I Knew you Were Trouble.” You can totally tell a bad boy from the rest, so just be careful with what you’re getting yourself into. 
7. What sorority life is like
If your school is really into Greek Life, and you’re not, that’s totally okay, but make sure you look into it before you write it off forever.  Coming from a sorority girl, you may actually like it. I know I did.
8. Time management and effective studying
This is basically the most important habit to have in college. Read up on lots of tips to stay on top of your busy schedule. 
9. Keeping a clean social media presence 
No company is going to hire you after you graduate with pictures upon pictures of you underage drinking in your dorm. Keep your social media clean of anything that could hurt you in the future. Your family won’t want to see any of that either, so just be conscious of what you’re posting.
10. Building a Budget
I have easily spent hundreds (maybe even thousands) of dollars on absolutely nothing during my first year at school. Learn how to make a budget and save your money for the more important things.
To learn more about the Her Campus book, or to purchase a copy for yourself, visit www.hercampus.com/book
Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Kayla Brown is a Senior at UT. Majoring in criminology, she one day hopes to do something badass af. While Kayla is not writing for Her Campus or studying for class, you can find her hanging with her sorority sisters, watching This is Us, or eating Kraft mac and cheese.