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5 Ways to Stay Motivated All Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

Right after a break and during syllabus week, we experience the motivation to do well, get dressed up, and pay attention in class. But, this drive to get As is usually a fleeting feeling. Usually by the third or four week we all start to slack off.  Missing class here and there, continuously not doing a reading assignment, or just making sweatpants and slippers part of one’s daily outfit are all signs that your syllabus week/beginning of the semester motivation is slipping away. Fear not though…there’s a way to grab ahold of that drive and kick yourself back into academic shape.  Here’s how:

  1. Dress up for class


Once or twice a week plan a cute outfit to wear to class. Trade in those comfy slippers and sweats for combat boots and your favorite pair of dark wash jeans. You’ll also feel better in an outfit that you’re proud to be seen in.

  1. Make it a competition with girlfriends to get the highest GPA. Winner gets a prize.

It’s much more fun to work hard and study when you’re doing it with friends. Plus when you’re feeling lazy thinking about the prize will help to motivate you.

  1. Reward yourself when you show up for a dreaded class

Sitting through a boring lecture suddenly becomes more manageable if you know you can get a reward after. So, whenever you feel like missing class, go anyways and then reward yourself with all the food Marshall Street has to offer. 

  1. Dedicate two or three nights a week to do homework 

Binge watching Orange is the New Black and Girls may be fun until you find out you failed an assignment or even worse- an exam. Instead of swearing off TV-watching forever, ration your Netflix time. Spend two or three nights of the week dedicated to the library and then pick a night to catch up on all your shows and enjoy yourself. Plus if you get all your homework done in advanced, you won’t feel guilty about watching TV all night later.  

  1. Get a colorful homework planner, cool markers and colorful pens.

That upcoming test or quiz won’t seem as daunting when it’s written in pink or highlighted in glitter. Every time a teacher assigns something, instead of dreading the work, get excited to color it into a special place in your planner. Writing down boring school work suddenly turns into an arts and crafts project you can’t wait to start.