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10 Reasons Girls Pretend To Love The Super Bowl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

1.     We get to dress up in sporty jerseys. Sure, we may not look like Victoria’s Secret models, but at least we get to go a whole day in an outfit that doesn’t require us to suck in.  

2.     A whole day dedicated to vegging out in front of the TV? Sign me up! Munchies make sitting on beer stained couches for half a day a little more manageable. 

3.     Free beer and boys galore. There’s no way I’d rather spend my Sunday afternoon then sandwhiched between a cold drink and some male testosterone. 

4.     It makes us look like those fun girlfriends that enjoy sports. You may hear us say on our first date that we enjoy watching sweaty men run up and down a field with a ball for six hours straight, but really we don’t. Shocking, I know. But on a day like this, we’re more than willing to take one for the team, turn off our Netflix, and become one of the bros. 

5.  The Super Bowl commercials make up for the torture we endure watching the game. So ‘torture’ may be exaggerating just a tad. But honestly, we’re women! How many times can that whistle be blown until we realize we would much rather be spending our time online shopping or painting our nails? Thankfully Budweiser acknowldges the Super Bowl’s female audience and provides us with two blissful moments of puppies and ponies in their ad. 

6.     Pizza. Any excuse to rip into some “za” and we’re there. 

7.     Half-time show. We never mind bowing down to the performers that kill it on stage, or any artist surrounded by fireworks and flashing lights. Especially if it’s the Queen B. 

8.     If our boyfriend’s team wins, victory sex. We all know we’re secretly rooting for a certain team because that team’s victory means for celebratory afterhours. Nothing screams a win better than foreplay and a finish to the night you can both enjoy. 

9.     Drinking games. I’d say take a shot every time the whistle blows, but then we’d all be hospitalized. The game will probably seem more enjoyable if you’ve had a few beers, or 10. 

10.  It’s yet another excuse for selfies. Super Bowl Sunday registers a very important event for us girls; Instagraming our popularity and cute little Football outfits for all of social media to see. Say cheese! 


Junior studying Magazine Journalism and English at Syracuse University. I write about sex and relationships. When I'm not writing, I'm hanging out with my sorority sisters in Alpha Xi Delta or busting my balls in the nearest gym.