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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Throughout my life, I have always been self-motivated and a hard worker. When I take the time to look back and reflect on what motivates me, I have realized that a lot of it stems from the activities I did when I was younger and the environment I grew up in. Whether it be competitive swimming, growing up with siblings, going to a competitive high school, or just being me, there has always been something to push me forward.

Playing sports my whole life and going to a high school with high standards for athletics and academics instilled a drive in me to always be at the top of my game and do my best. I think that I was always pushed to my limit, and that helped me figure out who and what I can handle, as well as what motivates me to get the job done. I know that I am motivated by deadlines and work better under pressure, which is definitely a result of the hectic environment I grew up in.

Internally, I am motivated by a desire to prove myself and always put my best foot forward. In the past, a lot of people have doubted what I have been able to accomplish, and I realized that proving them wrong is a great feeling. It is also important to remember that I can be motivated by my own goals and my own feelings without the input of other people’s opinions.

Growing up with a younger brother gave me the motivation to be a positive influence. It also helped me try to become a good role model. I want my brother to be proud of me and that reminds me to stay focused on getting good grades and continuing to play a sport in college. I wanted to show him that it is possible to do both– succeed academically and athletically.

Motivation looks different for everyone. I tend to be motivated through exercise and focusing on things that will make me a better person. I am motivated to get good grades because I know that will set me up for a good future, and I am motivated to get stronger to be my best in the pool. I think that finding positive ways to motivate myself, like creating goal sheets or quote boards can really help me find the extra motivation I sometimes need to complete my daily tasks and long term goals.

Hi! I'm Caroline and I go to Susquehanna University in PA. In addition to writing for Her Campus, I am a biomedical studies major and I am a member of the swim team.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University