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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

College truly is a whole different world than high school. There is more freedom, more free time, more stress, and many more opportunities to get yourself ahead of the game and in a good place both physically and mentally. Some people would say that high school was the best experience of their life, but for me, this was not the case. While I certainly did enjoy my high school experience, it does not in any way compare to my college experience thus far.

As a Biomedical Sciences major, classes can sometimes be quite stressful and challenging. There have been times, especially this semester, when I have felt that I am not smart enough to be in this major, and when I have felt like giving up and switching my major to something else. Luckily for me though, I don’t have a back-up plan, so that pushes me to work even harder to get better grades. I know that everyone has times where they don’t feel good about themselves, and that a little bit of struggle now is definitely worth the big outcome that I will get out of being in this major someday. In hopes of being a pediatric doctor, I know that I cannot give up, and that hard work, determination, and the devoted support from my peers will carry me through.

Although college may be a little stressful at times (as I just mentioned before), and many tears have been shed over classes, all the good things that have happened over the course of my first semester until now definitely outweigh the bad things. The people you meet, the classes you take, the memories that you make: nothing compares to these feelings.

The friendships that I have made here in college don’t even remotely compare to the ones that I made in high school. The bonds are deeper, there is more trust, and the relationships with each other are so much more open and honest. The people you meet in college are so genuine, and they are not afraid to tell you how it is, but at the same time they are always there for you, which I believe is the best part of it all. These friendships that I have made thus far have potential to last a lifetime and I cannot wait to see where they take me.

Touching back a little bit on the opportunities given: the possibilities are endless. As I have mentioned in previous articles, since enrolling in college, I have been able to take on many different leadership roles. These roles include being secretary for two different clubs on campus, the Leadershape Institute, and becoming a future orientation team leader. Without college, none of this would have been possible.

So all in all, I have thoroughly been enjoying my experience in college thus far, and I cannot wait to see where the rest of my 3 years here take me and what I can accomplish within this time period.

Susquehanna University Student
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University