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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

When you are introverted, it is usually harder to make friends and maintain the friendships you do build. Like myself, introverts prefer to listen to conversations and tend to have a very limited number of people we can get close to. This can shut us off from other people and from engaging in groups. High school was an awkward time for everyone. Personally, I didn’t have many close friends, or have a classmate that I would hang out with outside of school. College is a whole new world that presents the opportunity to start over. Here are some of the best methods to not go it alone in school.

First of all, be confident (even if you’re really not). People who give off a confident and assured vibe draw others to them. It’s science.

Find a class buddy. Sometimes there is that one person you share several classes with on your schedule, or just any desk neighbor will do. Having that one person gives you someone to talk to before class starts, walk with, and share notes and study with. Soon, after getting to know one other, you can even make plans to do an activity together outside of your academics. Boom! A friend.

Push your limits and break out of your shell as much as you can. Seeing how far you are able to push your boundaries and extend out further from your normal comfort zone allows room for growth and forming new relationships.

Ask questions and give compliments all the time. In other words, be appreciative in what people wear or listen to within their own interests. Say, “I like your shirt! Where did you get it?” In this example situation, your comment will flatter them, and most likely, they will want to share that piece of information about themselves. Gauge the reactions and answers you receive, and then use that material to keep bouncing back and forth to have a conversation.

Introverts, utilizing these strategies will help you to make friends, that way you won’t be on your own. School by itself is tough, so try not to add loneliness to your difficulties.           

Kara Boub is a first year student at Susquehanna University, with a major in creative writing. She loves spending her free time (if any) reading and watching YouTube videos.