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Things I Wish I Knew as a College Freshman

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

The end of my junior year is fast approaching, and it’s hard to think that my last year of college is coming so quickly. Reflecting back on my experiences over the past three school years, I realized that I know a lot more about college now than I did back then. There are some things I wish I had known that would have made the transition to college life much easier. 


No one’s going to judge you. When I first got to college, I thought I had to have the perfect hair, clothes, and makeup. I spent a lot of time and money trying to look my best. But there’s so much to worry about in college—no one’s going to be worrying about what you’re wearing or how you talk. And if they do, that’s their problem! 

You don’t have to change who you are. Having social anxiety and being a natural introvert, I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to make it in college unless I changed my whole personality. I tired myself out trying to make everyone like me. It wasn’t until recently that I realized that I don’t need a lot of friends to be happy in college. I can make myself happy by trying my best and doing things that I actually enjoy. 

You don’t need to stress about grades. This isn’t high school—classes can get really hard. And that’s ok! You don’t need a 4.0 to be successful in college or to get a job someday. An A- isn’t the end of the world. 

It’s okay to take a time-out. Taking a semester off of school taught me that it’s okay to take time to make sure I’m in a good place mentally. Your mental health and emotional state are important and should be taken care of just as much as your schoolwork!

I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.