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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

“New Year, New Me” hits harder every year. As thousands of people try to better themselves each year, I think it’s also my turn! Need ideas for resolutions? Here are my goals for 2025!

1. Read More Books

Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy the thrill of a mystery or the yearning in a Victorian Era romance. This is something I have always enjoyed doing, and I would love to read 10+ books in 2025. My TBR (To Be Read) will be ready for me to demolish this year.

2. Get Better Grades

Unfortunately, I did not take my first semester here at Susquehanna University seriously, so this year I want my GPA to be higher. My first semester, I came into school with the high school mindset, and I did not give 100% towards my assignments and exams.

3. Work out more

I feel like this is on everyone’s “New Year New Me” list, however, I enjoy working out for myself. I find that working out definitely makes me calmer and more in tune with my wellbeing. It feels good to accomplish something during your day, which is why I want to add this to my routine.

4. DRess Up More

Personally, I am always in sweatpants and a crewneck. This year I want to try to dress up more, which goes along the lines of working out more. Dressing up, even if it is a pair of jeans and sweater, makes me feel like I accomplished something during my day. It makes me feel more productive, and I look cute while going about my day.

5. Expand my Vocabulary

My first impression of someone normally is the way they speak. People who have such a broad vocabulary inspire me to be better. So this year, I want to work hard to expand my vocabulary. Learning should be something everyone strives to do, and I look forward to this accomplishment.

Liz Reese

Susqu '27

Liz Reese is a sophomore marketing major at Susquehanna University! Liz loves listening to Taylor Swift and when she is not busy you can find her in the gym or snuggled in bed with a good book. Liz enjoys traveling and hanging out with her friends. Liz enjoys going to her favorite artists' concerts. A fun fact about Liz is that she has been to many different states and countries.