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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.


It’s officially #finalsszn for us college students. Don’t let your finals kill you, though. Be sure to take some breaks and realize what you have to look forward to once they’re over! Here are 8 ways to take breaks while studying:


1. Color

Grab an adult coloring book and some colored pencils or markers and color! Let your creativity run free while letting your eyes rest from staring at a screen or textbook!


2. Make a new playlist for studying!

I don’t know about you, but I love listening to music when I study. It has to be just the right music to keep me focused, though. I’ve also been studying so much that I’m starting to get tired of the same songs. Consider taking a study break to make a fresh playlist for studying!


3. Take a nap

Chances are you have not been sleeping as much lately, but you need to take care of yourself and there’s nothing a nap can’t fix.


4. Sit outside

It stinks to be inside studying when it’s beautiful outside. Make sure to take some time to get some fresh air – you could even bring your books outside!


5. Go for a walk

Going along with sitting outside, you should try going for a walk every so often to keep your energy up and to not get sore from sitting in the same spot.


6. Write/Bullet journal

Grab a journal or just a piece of paper and write whatever comes to your mind! I just created a summer bucket list in my bullet journal so I could have some things to look forward to after finals are over.


7. Grab a snack

Make sure you are eating regularly during studying. Grab your favorite snack that will put a smile on your face!


8. Take a shower

There’s that saying “get in the shower when it all goes wrong.” Hopefully studying isn’t all “going wrong”, but a shower is a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate your mind.


Best of luck on your finals! You got this!


Jersey girl who loves The Bachelor, burritos, boybands, and basically anything basic. Member of the Class of 2020 at Susquehanna University studying Stretigic Communications: Advertising and Marketing and Art History.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University