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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

SU Photo Club is still a new organization in the Susquehanna community after only being around for the past year, but they’re already making themselves known. Photo Club does a variety of things, but according to current President Angelica Ramos, they’re really all about “Learning the love of picture taking and sharing a passion for the same medium.”

Photo Club teaches lessons at their meetings every week to help develop member’s skills as photographers, but also takes time to critique photos from their weekly photo challenges. There are no requirements to be in Photo Club; meaning it consists of people from all different majors who take pictures with all kinds of cameras. Some members are even learning to take breathtaking photos with their phones. 

Most importantly though, Photo Club is willing and eager to partner with other clubs and organizations on campus (including Her Campus) to photograph groups, events, and for special promotions. This week three members, Xiomara, Dylan, and Hannah helped us out with our promotion with Garnier. You can check out some of those photos on our Instagram page @HCSusquehanna!

You can follow SU Photo Club on Instagram @susqu_photo_club. If you’re interested in joining, they meet in Steele 007 Wednesdays at 6:30, and you can email the club president, Angelica Ramos for details at ramosam@susqu.edu.

The journey to where I want to be includes writing a lot of words and eating a lot of fries. 
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University