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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

There are two types of people: extroverts and introverts. Most of us lean to one side or the other, so how can you be both extroverted and introverted at the same time? Here are just a few signs that you may be an extroverted introvert.


1. You don’t mind socializing, but would prefer not to.

If you only read one point on this list, read this one. Extroverted introverts enjoy socializing, but honestly, we would rather not. But if we have to socialize…

2. You prefer one-on-one conversations over large group discussions and hate small talk.

Small talk is the worst! Extroverted introverts want to discover things that matter to you and don’t want to hear about how gross the weather is outside today. Small group or one-on-one conversations are where you thrive.

3. You enjoy being in social settings, but you have a time limit.

The extroverted side of you makes socializing enjoyable, but the introverted side of you needs to know that will have time after to decompress.

4. You value alone time, but don’t want too much of it.

You want to be alone now and then to please your introverted side, but your extroverted side still craves social interaction!

5. You make new friends easily, but have difficulty maintaining those relationships.

When feeling like an extrovert, you can make friends easily, but then your introvert side eventually comes out and it can be hard to continue to build those relationships.

6. You don’t feel the need to talk all the time, you prefer to listen.

This situation is completely ideal for extroverted introverts. The extroverted side of us gets to be around people, while the introverted side gets to listen to what they have to say.


In sum, us extroverted introverts can be pretty misunderstood. We may be shy and quiet, but that doesn’t mean we don’t enjoy social interaction. We are simply more observant and search for the meaningful aspects of life. We can seem rather wishy-washy, we know, but catch us at our extroverted times, and we can be the life of the party (thanks to our introverted side for letting us recharge). In a way, we get the best of both worlds. *Cue Hannah Montana*

Are you an extroverted introvert? Let us know by tweeting @HCSusquehanna! 


Jersey girl who loves The Bachelor, burritos, boybands, and basically anything basic. Member of the Class of 2020 at Susquehanna University studying Stretigic Communications: Advertising and Marketing and Art History.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University