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Operation Varsity Blues Through the Eyes of a Typical College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Last week, news broke of 50 parents and collegiate coaches being charged in what the DOJ is calling the “largest college admissions scam ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice” and giving it the nickname Operation Varsity Blues. Millions of dollars were paid by parents to ringleader William Singer to bribe coaches and test proctors, as well as fake exam scores and forge students’ college applications in order to grant them admission into prestigious schools like USC, Stanford, and Yale.

It is no surprise that the parents involved in said scandal are wealthy and high-profile, including Desperate Housewives star Felicity Huffman and “Aunt Becky” from Full House, Lori Loughlin. Loughlin’s youngest daughter, Olivia Jade is also a well-known paid YouTube star who recently collaborated with Sephora on her very own makeup palette.

So, upon hearing the news earlier last week, my initial reaction was like everyone else’s. First and foremost, I was frustrated, not surprised, but a little angry. I’m angry that so many parents and coaches thought this was okay and that they would never get caught. Overall, I was kinda mad that the system let this happen in the first place.   

After the initial anger subsided, I became kind of sad about the whole thing. Being a college student that has earned every opportunity I have, it is really disheartening to see children able to get anything they want just because their parents have money. I am disappointed that we (as a society) let this go on for years without ever noticing. I am also so very upset for those kids who are never going to learn the value of money, or know how good it feels to actually earn something, whether it be $10 or admission to Stanford.

But I guess some kids will never need to have that feeling. Some kids can go their entire lives with everything handed to them and never even realize it’s happening to them. It is so frustrating! I wish there was a way for them to realize that money does not equal happiness!!

And that’s where my head has been lately. Watching this all unfold, I’ve come to realize that the revelation of this scandal has ruined the lives of almost everyone involved, especially those that are famous.

William Singer could face up to 65 years in federal prison. Sephora cut all ties with Olivia Jade. Both of Loughlin’s children will not be returning to USC in fear of being bullied. Without sounding too malicious, it’s kinda nice to see that they are getting what they deserve. Although this has been going on for a while, it is now finally (hopefully) over. Maybe now there will be more focus on the college admission system to ensure that the process is fair and equal for everybody. One can only hope!

19 year-old music student living life and having fun!!!
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University