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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

My record collection is one of the many pride and joys of my life, so much in fact that even when I play them, and they skip a beat, I don’t try to trade them in for new ones. My only regret at this moment is that my collection is sooooo small and doesn’t include some of the greatest artists of all time, like Elton John, or Simon and Garfunkel, or The Beatles, or Bowling for Soup, or anything that isn’t mainstream pop. If you think about it, the only music we listen to these days is what we hear on the radio, over and over, in the car, at the gym, and sometimes even at work. I miss the days when I’d hear Boys to Men, Prince, and Nirvana playing in the next room.

The artists that I have in my record collection are extremely talented, unique, and skilled in the way that they use their voices. They deserve to be on the radio, but I also think it’s important to take a moment and remember all the artists that came before them. I also want to take a moment to talk about how great vinyl records are—not just because they’re trendy and everyone has them, but because they’re actually just plain friggin’ amazing.

I am very protective of my record collection, I started it my sophomore year of college and never went back. They’ve been with me through some hard times, even survived a major car accident this past summer, which is nuts because they’re extremely fragile. Records hold so many wonderful memories and the quality of sound is much better than that of a CD player or a cell phone. They’re all the rage these days, just like they were when they first came into the world.   

Cry Baby, Melanie Martinez21, AdeleContinuum, John Mayer Divide/ X/ + , Ed Sheeran. Lungs, Florence and the MachineJoAnne, Lady Gaga

I am a senior creative writing and theatre performance writer with a minor in vocal performance. I write my own songs and love to perform. I have a love for the fine arts, make-up, and Italian food.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University