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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Girl, you better take off that glittery eye shadow because it’s not doing it for you. Please get clothes that actually fit. You are just a baby who has no butt yet. You think you’ve got it all. You have the football player boyfriend that you think you’re going to marry. You “loved him so much.” You were crushed the day he broke up with you. News flash! You were never going to marry him. That was only the beginning.  

You have all of these friends that you just started high school with. You guys have made great memories– all the sleepovers and birthday parties. Please don’t be too trusting. They will all eventually stab you in the back as the years go on. As you move through high school, you will go through heartbreak and broken friendships. It will all be worth it in the end, believe me.

Please focus on your schoolwork rather than that stupid boy that won’t snapchat you back. It doesn’t work out with him in the end. I see you’re starting off high school well, but don’t get too comfortable. It gets much harder. Mom and dad are going to push you and seem like they are “all about grades.” It’s because they want what’s best for you. You don’t understand this now, but you eventually will in college.

The four years will FLY. That senior in your Algebra 1 class will tell you that, but you’re not going to believe him because he seems like he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. You will finally get to graduation, only three months before you go to college. Wow, he was right. I promise you, you will not miss high school when you step foot on Susquehanna’s campus. High school was a stepping stone to the big leagues. You will lose most of your friends at home, but that’s completely okay because the ones you find after high school adore you more than you’ve ever known. And I promise you, you’ll be crushed when the boy you like doesn’t like you back in high school, but it’s all worth it. That’s because you won’t meet the guy that loves you back in high school. Most people don’t. You’ll meet him after your freshman year of college, when everything feels like it’s crashing down. He’ll be there to sweep you off your feet. You just wait.

I wish I could go back to tell you all this before you live it. Keep your head held high and wait for it. It gets so much better than your small farm town that you’re stuck in now. Be thankful for the people who are in your future life because they can’t wait to see you succeed.

Hi! I'm Kaitlyn! I am a psychology major at Susquehanna University.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University