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It is the Most… Stressssful Time… of the Year!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Thanksgiving break was amazing. The long weekend was filled with friends, family, and food! What can be better than that? As the weekend ended, we had to come back to campus for the last 2 weeks… before FINALS. Can I just say that “finals” is my LEAST favorite f-word? I hate exams, I really do. They are the most stressful part of college, but they are needed to finish a degree. Here is how I cope with the stress of finals:

Take study breaks:

So far, I have spent multiple hours in the library getting those last assignments in, and studying for what’s to come. I tend to take 10-minute breaks after every hour and a half to recharge and get my mind straight again. I am someone who gets distracted easily, so if I give myself the time to breathe, I am able to study more efficiently.


If you’re like me and have struggled with acne for your entire life, then you understand “stress” acne. When I am in a stressful situation for days at a time, I tend to break out like crazy. What I have found that works for me is to let the breakout take its course, and apply a face mask every once in a while! I don’t normally use the harsh peel-off masks because of my sensitive skin, but regular clay masks work just fine!


Anyone who knows me, knows that coffee and I are best friends. There is not a day that goes by where I don’t have some sort of caffeinated drink, whether it be a latte or a regular cup of joe. My best studying happens when I am sipping on something warm. This helps give me a little extra joy while reading my heavy, complicated biology textbook.

I hope this helps anyone who is struggling with the stress of finals! Now, back to studying! Happy Holidays!

Hi! I'm Kaitlyn! I am a psychology major at Susquehanna University.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University