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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

The best time of year is here – football season! As I sit here watching some pre-season games, I am reminiscing on all the types of football fans I’ve seen and experienced.


1. The superstitious ones

I think we all know that one person who will absolutely not move from their spot if their team is doing well. For me, it’s my dad. I have to say that it’s pretty tempting to believe in this, but if you’re watching with a superstitious fan you don’t really have a choice whether to move or not!


2. The fantasy playing ones.

It seems like every true football fan plays fantasy, but I never really got into it. You have to really know your stuff and be on top of every team. This one goes out to those fans who are constantly surfing tv channels or refreshing their twitter feed to see how the players on their fantasy team are performing.


3. The ones who cheer on their family’s favorite team

These types of fans are the purest of them all: just following along with the team who their family supports because you know what they say… football is FAMILY!


4. The ones who watch for the hot players

Don’t get me wrong, football players are hot. Sometimes there are those fans who only watch for that reason though. However, these types of fans usually do end up getting more into the actual game because honestly if you don’t know what is going on than what’s the point of spending three hours of your Sundays watching?


5. The die-hard ones

Even when the team only won once in the past two seasons (cough, Browns…), or when they lose to their rival in overtime (I’ve witnessed this too many times), the die-hard fans will always stick with their team even when in the heat of the moment they swear they’ll pick a new one.


Which kind of fan are you? Are you excited for football season? Tweet us @hcsusquehanna and let us know! 

Jersey girl who loves The Bachelor, burritos, boybands, and basically anything basic. Member of the Class of 2020 at Susquehanna University studying Stretigic Communications: Advertising and Marketing and Art History.