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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Hi! I’m new to Her Campus. It’s something my roommate has been doing for a year now and she really likes it. Since I seemed to provide a source of interesting article topics, I figured I’d give it a try myself. Now by no means am I a writer, BUT I am a science major and whether I like it or not, we do A LOT of writing. We write a lot of manuscripts for all of our labs and research, and they can get to be pretty long. No matter how much I dislike the writing we have to do, I absolutely LOVE being a science major and here are 5 reasons why I think it’s great to be one!

1. You Seem Smart as Heck

I’m not going to lie, every time I tell people that I am a biomedical sciences major with a minor in chemistry they get this flabbergasted look on their face that’s like, “How can you do so much science?” and I feel so empowered and like a total genius, because, well, I guess I kind of am.

2. You Have a Chance to Make a Major Breakthrough

Originally, I was going to say that you have a chance to make an impact, but I guess every major has that. The difference for a science major is that you could have a major breakthrough in research that changes everything in minutes. If you find out that a certain medicine that most people take is actually toxic, you have a really good chance at getting it taken off the shelves; or if you’re doing a behavioral study of monkeys and you notice something, that could change the course of human existence. You have a shot at changing life as we know it in a very short period of time, and that’s just awesome!

3. You Can Spend Your Life Helping People or Their Pets

Most majors can help people, yes, but as a science major you have the ability to help them medically, or to help their pets. For me, it’s all about helping peoples’ pets. The look on someone’s face when you are able to save the life of their fur baby is unforgettable and cannot be compared or taken lightly. The responsibility of real lives can fall into your hands as a science major, and I just think that’s dandy.

4. You Get to Learn About Pretty Much Everything

I’m a huge plant lover. I work at our campus garden and have a ton of plants in my room. Although I’m not an ecology major, I still can foster this love of plants through my classes. As a science major, you can dive deep into the world of ecology, medicine, geology, or environmental studies even if that isn’t your field of interest. Science majors are somewhat expected to have a broad understanding of all of the sciences, that way they can offer advice or assistance if needed. To me, I just think it’s cool that we get the chance to learn about EVERYTHING.

5. You Constantly Ask Yourself, ‘Why?’

Now this one may not seem like a positive, as no one likes the repetitive why-asker, but once you open up your life to asking that one-word question to things, you realize that you are capable of learning so many interesting facts. For me, asking “why” allows me to grow as a person, learn things outside of my comfort zone, and it helps me understand how the world works. I am a curious person, and the field of sciences allows me to fill these curiosities with 1,000 more questions to each that I ask.

Science isn’t for everyone, and I can respect that. But for those of us who are science-obsessed, we can’t get enough and want to share our love of the unknown with the rest of the world.

Just a college student, with a passion for agriculture dreaming of making a difference.
Writers are contributing from Susquehanna University