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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.


Sara Maloney


Graduating early next December (fingers crossed!)


Public Health and Entrepreneurship


Groveland, Ma

Relationship status


Astrology sign





Can you tell us a little bit about your company, and how you came up with the idea for it?

My love for Yoga and all it has taught me (and continues to teach me) is at the root of everything I do with this company. Yoga has opened my mind, body, and spirit to a life that strives for constant mindfulness and kindness first to the self, and then to others. This is not a gift deserved by all, but a right. Buddha Bus Yoga™ brings Yoga to people in places conducive to the practice that lacks the resources or organization to do so.

Buddha Bus Yoga™ takes Yoga out of the studio by traveling to various locations in New England providing all-inclusive Yoga classes. When traveling to workplaces, colleges, athletic facilities, food markets, and more, my business provides on-site classes aimed towards recreational relaxation for beginners and advanced practitioners alike. Being a part of Buddha Bus Yoga™ means embracing new movement in unconventional places and leaving with just a little more happiness within.


Where can people learn more about Buddha Bus Yoga™?

The second week in November I am launching an Indie GoGo page that will have a video I have put together explaining my venture as well as textual information. Simply go to Indie GoGo’s website and look up “Buddha Bus Yoga™”. They can also email me and I will send them a newsletter before launch! (sara@gobuddhabus.com)


Are you facing any challenges that come with starting your own company? What are they?


Yes! There are various challenges from legalities, to networking, to financial support, but the challenge that I face daily is the one to follow my instincts as I go against the grain. Self-employment is what I have chosen as my current chapter, which means I must believe in myself more than anyone. This venture requires tenacious optimism that I am enjoying building, even when it’s the hardest part. 



What is your dream job?


My mission and dream is to empower people by leading them to their mats, while continuing my own education by learning from the masters, traveling the world, and taking the privileges I have been given to help people in need. If that doesn’t work I wouldn’t mind nailing down a job at Crayola naming crayon colors.



What has been your biggest / favorite accomplishment so far?


I am very proud of committing my young adult years to fitness; my Yoga certification, years of teaching, and Triathlon completions keep me pushing forward to the next challenge. However, I am proudest of the relationships in my life. The beautiful, inspiring people I have in my inner-circle are undoubtedly my greatest accomplishment.



If you could live in one place right now, where would it be?


If I could live anywhere, I would want to live everywhere! I aspire to take Buddha Bus Yoga™ on the road and live in various locations for short spurts along the way. So, my answer right now is various beautiful places across the US!



What’s a typical day in the life of you?


I wake up next to my snuggly old-lady cat, Nina, then start my day with a cup of tea and a 5-minute meditation, it isn’t much but it is impactful. Then every morning I try to text one person who is on my mind, and wish them goodness as they head into their day. At this point I have most likely spent all my “get-ready” time not getting ready! So I speedily get dressed in something that makes me feel good, and start checking off the bullets on my mental to do list!



What are some of your hobbies/interests outside of Suffolk?


Prepare for a cliché answer, but…I love traveling whenever I can! And I love the challenge of finding ways to do it affordably. There are loopholes to seeing the world and I want to find them all. In the last year I have been blessed to live in Madrid, visit Switzerland, the island of Sao Miguel, Tuscany, and California, all of which had people and places (and food!!) that simply amazed me.



What’s something people might not know about you?


Frank Sinatra brings me great joy.



Who would play you if they made a movie about your life?


Hopefully me, or Jim Carrey.



If you were stranded on a deserted island what three items would you bring with you?


A fully stocked Ben & Jerry’s warehouse, a sketchbook with a life supply of colored sharpies, and  a pet whale, preferably Humpback