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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

News broke last week that Instagram was making some big changes.  The social media platform announces they were going to start ordering posts on users’ timelines in order of popularity and how much the user will be interested in the posts, instead of the current news feed – which is ordered chronologically. This change really confused users and caused a huge uproar. Celebs and Instagram bloggers have been reaching out to followers asking them to “turn on notifications” after the change… meaning each time that person posts, you’ll get a notification sent to your phone. Now, I love my favorite Instagrammers and celebs as much as the next girl, but I don’t want a notification every time they post something, especially because they usually post quite frequently!!

Instagram claims that they are making these changes because most users don’t see ‘70% of their feed’, and this new feature will allow users to make sure that they never miss their favorite posts. The app also revealed that this is a step into the direction –  where users’ feeds are completely customized.

Personally, I’m not sure if I’m sold. Or that I even care. Is Instagram’s goal really about making sure our feeds are perfect to our preferences? Or do they need to make these changes for other reasons, such as their lack of revenue?  Now, this change hasn’t been put in action yet… we’ll see what happens when it is!