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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Being a firm believer that the Christmas period should start in December, ladies, I think for a second we should take a moment to sit down and remember Halloween.

When you were a child, Halloween was a chance to go out, scare your neighbours, and get sweets in the process. At university, it’s a chance to dress up and go out with your friends into what can be best described as a regular evening inside Tim Burton’s head.
So, at Strathclyde, where should you go?

Option 1:

Stay local: the union. The Halloween all- nighter is a must do at Strathclyde. One of the highlights of the academic year, the union is open from 6pm to 6am. Each floor is packed full of madness and debauchery. The music is cheesy yet full of the classic club anthems you expect of the union, and the drink prices are some of the best in town.  Much like the union, it is an unapologetic night which culminates in stumbling through your front door at 7.30, foodless, shoe less and with the safe knowledge that today, you’re not going to class.

Option 2:

However, if the union is not your tipplethere are a few clubs you should definitely consider. Much like its club nights, the Garage does Halloween big. The Garage, one of Glasgow’s finest establishments, with many floors and the ability to host many people, is set to smash this year’s Halloween.   Alternatively if you’re looking for something a bit different, Kushion on Bath Street is a classy club, and Halloween there should live up to its famous reputation. Finally, as Halloween is a Thursday this year, you can safely bet that most people will go to Jelly Baby, having an old flame burning for the club night at ABC. I say go for it and you won’t regret it, unless you find yourself pulling a fresher when you’re 21. Guilty as charged. However, remember to get tickets before they run out!

Option 3:

Finally, if you want to do something a bit different and you have access to a car, you can also go to the M&D’s drive in. Located just outside the city at Strathclyde Country Park, M&D’s is more commonly known as Scotland’s Theme Park. At Halloween, they host an American style Drive in, where a movie is projected on a big screen and you get audio through your car radio. This year for your viewing pleasure you have: Friday 25th October: Mama (8pm) and Insidious (Midnight). Saturday 26th October: Twilight Breaking Dawn II (8pm) and Sinister (Midnight) and finally Sunday 27th October: Hotel Transylvania (6pm) and The Cabin the Woods (10pm).

So ladies, remember Halloween and show it the respect it deserves by going out in your finest costume – this year I’m going as a giraffe – and enjoy what this city has to offer. Stay safe, but have fun!

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21. History, cake and rugby player fanatic.